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Cookie and Privacy Policy

Collection of Personal Data:

Anything that can identify a person, such as name, address, phone number, email address, and IP address, can be categorized as personal data. When you interact with TYR Denmark, in most cases, varying amounts of personal data will be collected. When you sign up for a newsletter or participate in contests, we collect the information you provide, which usually includes your name and email address. When you place an order with TYR Denmark or contact us via email, we collect the data you voluntarily share, often including your name, address, company (if applicable), email address, phone number, information about purchased products, potential returns, payment method, and shipping information. When you visit, with your consent, we collect information about your behavior on our website, your browser, search terms on our website, your IP address and network, as well as information about how you accessed our website. We primarily collect this information to make our communication relevant, to create statistics and analyses, and to optimize the user experience and functionality of our website. Therefore, we only process the data for business purposes and not for any conceivable forms of personal use.

Processing of Personal Data:

We only process relevant and necessary information. Necessary information might include your address for delivering an order. This information is necessary to provide a service to you and is also essential for complying with tax and accounting regulations. Relevant information might include your activity in order to send you newsletters that you have given consent to, containing content tailored to you and your preferences. We do not sell, distribute, or share your data in any other conceivable ways unless it is necessary to provide our service to you, you have given us permission, it is required by law, or if it is part of a collaboration with data processors both within and outside the EU/EEA. In rare and special cases, as required by law, it might be necessary to disclose information to public/legal authorities – for example, information may be provided to the police in cases of suspected forgery or fraud. Our website is operated by external providers who process data on behalf of TYR Denmark and according to our instructions.

Removal, Correction, and Insight into Personal Data:

When your data is no longer relevant for the purpose for which it was originally collected, processed, and stored, it will be deleted from our database. However, you always have the right to contact us at to have your data updated, limited, or deleted unless it contradicts another Danish law. You can also inquire about the data we have available about you and how we use this data. If you wish, you can also obtain a copy of the data we have. All communication regarding data should be directed to


If we use cookies, you will be informed and asked for your consent. However, cookies used to ensure functionality and settings can be used legally without consent.

Complaint Options:

If you wish to complain about TYR Denmark’s processing of your personal information, you can do so to the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) at the address: Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 Copenhagen, phone +45 33 19 32 00, email: